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James Mathew, B.Ed. student, St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala


Exotic plants are alien, non-native, non-indigenous or introduced plant species that occur in areas outside of their natural geographic zone. They may be introduced into an area from outside its native range either purposefully or accidentally. These plant species have role in floristic biodiversity, ecosystem processes, medicinal field and economic benefits. Although while analyzing the current status of exotic plants in the Kottayam district it is found as 66 exotic plant species in 38 families. This found that the invasion of such plants is being found in and around us.


Non-indigenous, Exotic, Oxalidaceae, Stericuliaceae, Portulacaceae


Invasive alien species are those which spread outside their normal distribution range and become invasive in their new geographic area. Their spread is aided by international trade and tourism especially import of goods items such as seeds, grains, fruits pets, etc at the new place, they escape the predator pressure, which kept their population in check in the native range, and thrive outcompeting and displacing native species, with its long-time maritime history, paved way for introductions were for specific purposes such as agriculture, forestry, ornamentals and the like- introduction of the rubber tree in point. Invasions by exotic plant species are occurring at unprecedented rates as a result of human activities that have increased the number of introductions and the rate of spread of many species. It may happen either accidently or purposefully to new areas These invasions have serious consequences for native biodiversity, disturbance regimes, and ecosystem structure and functioning and therefore, these invasions are considered a significant component of global change. Thus, identifying the factors that influence invasions by exotic plants species is of critical importance. Plant invasions are limited primarily by dispersal of propagules or by the number of propagules entering a community. In the absence of dispersal limitations, the ability of exotic species to successfully invade, that is, to persist and spread in a community, may be influenced in part by the susceptibility of a community to invasion. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain why some plant communities are more prone to invasions.

Exotic plants shows both positive and negative impacts. In which the positive side of exotic plants, that is the food and medicinal importance of exotic plants. And also, it shows these plants could fill niches in degraded ecosystems and helps to restore native biodiversity in an inexpensive and self-organized way that requires little or no human interventions. In certain cases, they are actually quite beneficial, and perhaps it’s time to recognize that, In California, for example, native butterflies feed on non-native plants. In Puerto Rico, alien trees help to restore abandoned pastures to a condition suitable for native plants, a variety of underappreciated invasive roles are described, providing ecosystem services replenishing human damaged and generally helping to sustain some resemblance of natural health even as many ecosystems struggle to survive.

The introduction of alien species takes a long benefit to some areas, for example when used in agriculture, animal faming, wood production, medicine, aesthetic enjoyment hunting or trade of ornamental plants. They can even have a positive effect in natural environment for example when they function as a food resource for native species or when they replace vegetation cover that had previously been damaged. Nevertheless, we should consider these positive effects very carefully, because in almost every case, if not in all, the benefits run into harmful long-term effects to natural environment and species, but exotic plants have more negative effects, as an invader it moves from an established source population, where intraspecific competition is relatively high, to invasions front where interspecific competition dominates. Invasive species are stock villains of conservation biology, disrupting ecosystem and throwing native populations into disarray.

However, many non-native species do enormous environmental damage. Invading species can cause complex changes within the structure and function of their new ecosystem. Their presence can lead to the reconstructing of established food webs, the importation of new diseases to the new surroundings, and competitions with indigenous organisms for space and food. The invasive alien species which leads to negative impacts are in a group that includes fire stimulators and disruptors, water depletes, diseases causers, crop damages, forest destroyers, fisheries disruptors, impeders of navigations, clogger of water, destroyers of homes and gardens, species eliminators and modifiers of evolution. Impacts of invasive species may also change over time in response to local adaptions and shifts in community composition. A community that is evolutionarily native to an invader may take time to develop appropriate competitive, consumptive or avoidance response.

 Exotic invasive species can directly and indirectly influence natural ecological communities by modifying structure, decreasing diversity, and altering ecosystem function. Specifically, exotic plant species alter the hydrology of ecosystems, increase soil erosion, decrease native plant diversity, and alter fire cycles. The objective of the study was to determine exotic plants present in nearby locality.


Abraham et al., (2009) revealed that the exotic perennials appear to be less affected by the priority effects arising from earlier germination by European annual grasses. In addition, these species interactions in California grasslands may be mediated by increasing anthropogenic or natural soil nitrogen inputs. They conducted a greenhouse experiment to test the effects of order of emergence and annual grass seedling density on native and exotic perennial grass seedling performance across different levels of nitrogen availability.

Bennett et al., (2011) study recommended that how these multiple factors (direct competition, mammalian herbivory, and soil-mediated effects and feedbacks) influence the impact of H. lanatus on a common, native perennial seaside daisy (Erigeron glaucus) using greenhouse and fi eld experiments. We tested whether soils from beneath H. lanatus, native plant communities, and sites restored with the native grass Calamagrostis nutkaensis influenced E. glaucus germination, establishment, and growth in the greenhouse and the fi eld. Using experimental ex-closures, we also tested for effects of mammalian herbivory, direct competition from H. lanatus, and their interaction on E. glaucus germination and establishment in the field

 Crooks (2002) in the study characterize potential effects of exotic engineers on the physical environment, provide some examples of how the physical alteration of ecosystems affects other biota, identify patterns in community level responses to invader-induced changes in habitat complexity, and discuss how the recognition of engineering and habitat modification affects the classification of invaders’ ecosystem-level effects.

According to Blumenthal (2006) the possibility that two mechanisms of invasion, release from natural enemies and increased resource availability, may interact. When plants invade new continents, they leave many herbivores and pathogens behind. Species most regulated by enemies in their native range have the most potential for enemy release, and enemy regulation may be strongest for high-resource species. High resource availability is associated with low defence investment, high nutritional value, high enemy damage and consequently strong enemy regulation. Therefore, invasive plant species adapted to high resource availability may also gain most from enemy release.

Ehrenfeld et al., (2006) propose that plant secondary chemistry may be a useful trait for assessing the likelihood of ecosystem (and community) impacts. Information about such traits is readily available from several sources, rendering it a good candidate for screening and monitoring programs. Plant secondary chemicals affect a variety of ecosystem processes, largely through their direct and indirect impacts on soil microbial community composition and function. They also have well-known effects on human physiology, as evidenced in the numerous plant-derived bioactive compounds used for their medicinal and other physiological effects. There is a large amount of information available about plant secondary chemistry due to its role in herbal medicine, dietary supplements and the emerging field of nutraceuticals. This information includes databases and traditional texts in ethnobotany, plant chemistry, and alternative medicine. I review evidence that secondary compounds are widespread in invasive species and affect soil microbial communities and microbially-mediated ecosystem processes. Invasion ecology may profit from collaborations with a novel group of scientists, including those in ethnobotany, nutraceuticals, plant chemistry and alternative medicine.

Carpenter et al., (2005) proposed about naturally occurring leaf herbivory in nine invasive and nine non-invasive exotic plant species sampled in natural areas in Ontario, New York and Massachusetts, and found that invasive plants experienced, on average, 96% less leaf damage than non-invasive species. Invasive plants were also more taxonomically isolated than non-invasive plants, belonging to families with 75% fewer native North American genera. However, the relationship between taxonomic isolation at the family level and herbivory was weak. We suggest that invasive plants may possess novel phytochemicals with anti-herbivore properties in addition to allelopathic and anti-microbial characteristics. Herbivory could be employed as an easily measured predictor of the likelihood that recently introduced exotic plants may become invasive.

            Singh et al., (2016) discussed the absorption of 26 plant species of exotic origin, before 8th century, as evidenced by archaeological sculptural or botanical remains and documentation of such plants in Sanskrit, the Vedic language. Occurrence and/or introduction of such plants at such distant places in ancient times is visualized as a result of geographical continental fragmentation followed by drift, natural or man-made transoceanic movement, and cultural and trade exchange of plant material over time.

Ricklefs et al., (2006) analyzed the native and alien geographic ranges of all 1567 plant species that have been introduced between eastern Asia and North America or have been introduced to both regions from elsewhere. The results reveal correlations between the spread of exotics and both the native species richness and transportation networks of recipient regions. This suggests that both species interactions and human‐aided dispersal influence exotic distributions, although further work on the relative importance of these processes is needed

Reddy et al., (2008) deals with comprehensive list of invasive alien species in the flora of India with background information on family, habit and nativity. Total 173 invasive alien species belonging to 117 genera under 44 families were documented. It was prepared based on history, species origin, species behaviour and field observations. Literature and websites were consulted extensively for relevant publications. Almost 80% of the species were introduced from neotropics. Tropical America (74%) and Tropical Africa (11%) contribute maximum proportion to the invasive alien flora of India. Habit wise analysis shows herbaceous species share 151 species, followed by shrubs (14), climbers (5) and trees (3). A better planning is needed for early detection and reporting of infestations of spread of new and naturalized weeds to monitor and control.

Mangla et al., (2007) investigated the role of a native generalist soil pathogen through which a non‐native invasive plant species may suppress naturalized/native plant speciesSoils collected beneath Chromolaena in the Western Ghats of India inhibited naturalized/native species and contained over 25 times more spores of the pathogenic fungi Fusarium semitectum than soils collected at the same locations beneath neighbouring native species that were at least 20 m from any Chromolaena plant. Sterilization of these soils eliminated their inhibitory effect. Chromolaena root leachate experimentally added to uninvaded soils increased Fusarium spore density by over an order of magnitude, and increased the inhibitory effect of the soils.

Putten et al., (2014) proposed that using untargeted metabolomic fingerprinting, we compared a broad range of metabolites of six successful exotic plant species and their native congeners of the family Asteraceae. Their results showed that plant chemistry is highly species‐specific and diverse among both exotic and native species. Nonetheless, the exotic species had on average a higher total number of metabolites and more species‐unique metabolites compared with their native congeners. Herbivory led to an overall increase in metabolites in all plant species. Generalist herbivore performance was lower on most of the exotic species compared with the native species. They conclude that high chemical diversity and large phytochemical uniqueness of the exotic species could be indicative of biological invasion potential.

Putten et al., (2010) propose that there are three main pathways by which this can happen. First, plant–soil feedback interactions in the invaded range are neutral to positive, whereas native plants predominantly suffer from negative soil feedback effects. Second, exotic plants can manipulate local soil biota by enhancing pathogen levels or disrupting communities of root symbionts, while suffering less from this than native plants. Third, exotic plants produce allelochemicals toxic to native plants that cannot be detoxified by local soil communities, or that become more toxic following microbial conversion. They discuss the need for integrating these three pathways in order to further understand how soil communities influence exotic plant invasions.


Exotic species are used as an alternative in many places where local indigenous forests cannot produce the type, quantity and quality of forest products required. In general, exotic species have growing rates much greater than native species; therefore, they produce more wood per unit of area and time. In the tropics, exotic species could grow 5 to 10 times more wood than native species. Many of the exotic species used in forestry plantations can grow in sites with limited edaphological conditions (as pH, nutrient availability, moist content, texture, etc.) with better yield than indigenous species. Exotic species usually can adapt to different environmental conditions; nevertheless, is important to test the exotics in the zone where it is needed prior deciding a large-scale plantation establishment. With features as fast growing and wider adaptation, exotic species could be used as source of different type of products and so reduce the pressure over native species (which in general growth less and slower).

The plantation of exotic species should be selected carefully, after introduction to a site if the provenances and seed sources of the exotic species are not appropriate, the plantation could result in a disaster.  Therefore, it is important to test the species in the area where it is to be grown before it is planted at commercial scale. The delayed failure, in some cases creates a problem during afforestation in later stage.  In some case, the introduced species is performed at substandard level.  Sometimes growth may become unsatisfactory.  The exotic is considered ecologically less valuable than indigenous species. The use of exotic species could be associated with new pests and diseases and affect native species e.g.  pink disease eucalyptus grandis.  Therefore, it implies new or stricter disease and pest controls. The exotic may bring new insect and pest to be introduced at the region.  Experimentation with exotic is time consuming and may not serve the purpose of immediate needs.


·       To know the importance of Exotic plants.

·       To know the significance of Exotic plants in Biodiversity.

·       To identify the different Exotic plants nearby locality.




1.     Annona muricata L.

Malayalam Name(s): Cancer chakka, Mullanjakka, Mulluathi, Mullathi

English name(s): Soursop, Guanabana, Graviola, Prickly Custard Apple

Description: Trees, to 10 m high, bark pale brown; young twigs glabrescent. Leaves simple,

alternate, distichous, estipulate; petiole 4-8 mm long, slender, glabrous, grooved above; lamina

7-14.5 x 3-5.5 cm, elliptic, oblong, obovate, oblong-obovate, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate,

base acute, apex acute to acuminate, coriaceous, margin entire, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, slender,

pinnate, prominent, intercostae reticulate, domatia present. Flowers yellowish-green, solitary, axillary or from mature branches; sepals 3, triangular, persistent; petals 6(3+3) ovate-acute, yellow, thick, glabrous, outer ones 2.5-3.5 x 2-2.5 cm, base cordate, apex acuminate, inner petals ca. 1.5 x 1 cm, shortly stipitate; stamens many, 4-5 mm long, linear, filaments broad at base, with capitate top of the connective; ovary superior, ca. 4 mm long, linear, slightly curved, strigose, style broad at base, stigma entire. Fruit ovoid to obovoid, 15-25 x 10-15 cm, green, covered with curved spines, stalks 2-3 cm long, stout; seeds many, reddish-brown, ca. 1.5 cm long.

Uses: Medicinal

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: Native of Central America and West Indies 

2.     Annona reticulata L.

Malayalam Name(s): Manilanilam, Ramasita, Aatha, Ramachakkamaram, Vlathi, Parankichakka

English name(s): Custard apple, Bullock's heart

Description: Trees, to 8 m high; bark pale brown. Leaves simple, alternate, distichous, estipulate; petiole 10-20 mm long, stout, glabrous, grooved above; lamina 10-20 x 3.5-7 cm, ovate-lanceolate, oblong, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, base acute, obtuse or decurrent, apex acuminate, margin entire, pubescent on both sides when young, glabrous above and pubescent beneath at maturity, coriaceous; lateral nerves 10-14 pairs, pinnate, prominent, intercostae 24 reticulate. Flowers bisexual, green, several from internodal cymes, rarely leaf opposed; sepals 3, 2-3 mm long, pubescent outside, glabrous within; petals 3 + 3, outer ones 1.5-2 cm, puberulous; inner ones reduced; stamens many, 1-1.3 mm long; anther cells hidden by the overlapping connectives; carpels many. Fruit an aggregate of berry, to 10 cm across, spherical or ovoid, yellowish-red; areoles flat, rather separated by reticulations of raised ridges; pulp yellowish; seeds black-brown.

Uses: Medicinal

Habitat: Cultivated and often naturalised

Distribution: Native of Central America and West Indies



3.     Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.)

Malayalam Name(s): Badhalacheera, Vassalacheera, Sambarcheera

Description: Erect semi-succulent, glabrous herbs to 1 m tall; rootstock tuberous. Leaves 30 subsessile, alternate, 4-8 x 1.5-3 cm, obovate or oblanceolate, base cuneate, apex obtuse or rounded. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate. Flowers 1.5-2 cm across; pedicels to 1.2 cm long; bracts 2-4 mm long, linear. Sepals 2, 4-6 x 2-3 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Petals 5, pink, 8-10 x 4-5 mm, obovate. Stamens many; filaments unequal. Ovary c. 2 mm long, globose, 1- loculed; styles 3-armed. Capsules 4-6 mm across, globose. Seeds ovoid, black, striate.

Uses: Used in curries

Habitat: Wastelands

Distribution: Pantropical



4.     Garcinia mangostana L.

Malayalam Name(s): Mangosta, Mangustan

English name(s): Mangosta, Mangustan, Mangosteen

Description: Evergreen trees, to 20 m high, bark black or dark brown, smooth; exudation yellow, sticky; branchlets decussate, stout, cylindric, slightly grooved, glabrous. Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, estipulate; petiole 20-25 mm long, stout, glabrous, slightly grooved above, ligulate projections at base prominent, clasping the branches; lamina 8-25 x 4- 12 cm, elliptic to elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, base acute, obtuse or rotund, apex acute or shortly acuminate, margin entire, often slightly revolute, glabrous, thickly coriaceous, glossy; 32 lateral nerves numerous, parallel, close, slender, prominent, looped near the margin forming intramarginal nerve, intercostae reticulate, obscure. Flowers polygamodioecious; male flowers : pale green, to 4 cm across, 3-9 in terminal fascicles; pedicels 1.5-2 cm long; bracts orbicular, concave, scarious; sepals 4, erect, unequal, coriaceous, concave; petals 4, larger than sepals, ovate, fleshy, yellow-red inside, green red outside; stamens numerous, inserted on 4 thick, receptacular lobes below the rudimentary pistil; filaments short; anthers ovate-oblong, recurved; rudimentary pistil discoid, fleshy, red, apex conical, as long as stamens; bisexual flowers: 1-2 at the apices of branchlets, purple; pedicel 1.8-2 cm long, stout, woody; sepals 4, rarely 5, decussate, orbicular, concave, thick, persistent, outer pair shorter than inner; petals 4, purple, upto 3 cm long, orbicular, concave, thick, fleshy; stamens many, 1-2 seriate; filaments 4-5 mm long, slender, connate at base; anthers ovate-oblong, apex recurved; ovary superior, globose, smooth, 5-8-locular; ovules solitary, ascending; stigmas sessile, punctate, 5-8 lobed, lobes cuneiform. Fruit a berry; 5-7 cm across, glossy purplish-black, smooth, surrounded at base by sepals, apex crowned by 5-8 lobed stigma; pericarp thick, spongy, reddish, with yellow latex; seeds up to 8, oblong, 1-2 cm long, laterally compressed; aril opaque, very pleasant, juicy, thick, white.

Uses: Food

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: Native of Malaysia, widely cultivated in Tropical Asia



5.     Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. rosa-sinensis (L.)

Malayalam Name(s): Ayamparathi, Chembarathi

English name(s): Chinese hibiscus, Chinese rose, Hibiscus, Rose of China, Shoe flower, Tropical Hibiscus

Description: Shrubs, to 4 m high; stems woody and glabrous. Leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, truncate or somewhat tapering at base, serrate, crenate or entire, sometimes dentate towards apex, acute to acuminate at apex, 5-11 x 3-6 cm, 3-5 nerved at base, glabrous to sparsely stellate-hairy on nerves beneath; petioles 1.5-4 cm long, simple-hairy; stipules 36 lanceolate or subulate, 3-11 mm long, glabrous. Flower axillary, solitary; pedicels 2-8 cm long, jointed above middle, glabrous or pubescent. Epicalyx lobes 5-8, connate at base, lanceolate, 5- 15 mm long, sparsely stellate-pubescent. Calyx campanulate, 1-3 cm long; lobes connate to middle, lanceolate, 1.5-2 cm long, stellate and glandular-pilose outside. Corolla infundibular, 6- 12 cm across, red, white, pink, yellow or orange yellow; petals obovate and entire. Staminal column to 5 cm long, exserted beyond corolla, antheriferous in upper half. Capsules oblong-rounded (rarely formed).

Uses: Medicinal

Habitat: Grown as ornamental plant

Distribution: Native of Pacific Islands; cultivated in Tropical and Subtropical countries.



6.     Theobroma cacao L.

Malayalam Name(s): Kokko

English name(s): Cocco, Cacao, Cocoa Tree, Chocolate Nut tree

Description: Small, evergreen trees. Leaves alternate, large, elliptic-oblong or obovate, entire, abruptly acuminate, 15-30 cm long, leathery; short-petioled with a well-marked pulvinus at each end. Flowers cauliflorous, small. Petals hooded at base. Staminal tube short with 5 petaloid elongate staminodes and 2 or 3 sessile anthers. Ovary sessile, 5-loculed; ovules many in each locule; stigma 5-lobed. Fruit a large woody drupe, ellipsoid-ovoid, ca 30 cm long, smooth or ribbed, reddish yellow, 5-loculed each with a double row of almond-like seeds embedded in white-pinkish or brownish mucilaginous aromatic pulp.

Uses: Food, Chocolate

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: Widely cultivated in the tropics; native of Tropical America.



7.     Averrhoa bilimbi L.

Malayalam Name(s): Bilibi, Bilimbi, Chemmeenpuli, Chimbili, Irumbampuli, Keerichakka, Pulinchi, Vilimbi

English name(s): Bilimbi, Cucumber tree, Tree Sorrel, Kamias, Belimbing buloh

Description: Tree, to 15 m tall; young parts pale yellow to rusty-velvety. Leaves usually terminally tufted; rachises 15-55 cm long; leaflets 5-19 pairs, variable, acute to acuminate at apex, to 12 x 4 cm; lateral nerves 6-14 pairs. Panicles cauliflorous from tubercles on main trunk to ground level and on main leafless branches, fascicled and pendulous, to 18 cm long, rarely axillary; solitary and erect; pedicels 4-15 mm long; jointed near middle. Sepals elliptic to lanceolate or spatulate, acute or obtuse, 3-8 x 1.5-3 mm, sparsely puberulous outside near base, yellowish green to purplish green. Petals free, lanceolate-spatulate, 10-20 x 3-4 mm, glabrous 40 inside, dark pink; claw 3-6 mm long. Stamens all fertile; filaments 2-12 mm long, unequal. Ovary ellipsoid, ca 4 mm long, densely appressed-pale-strigose; ovules 4-7 in each locule; styles to 9 mm long. Fruits cylindric, obtuse, obtusely angled, to 10 x 5 cm; seeds to 14, 6-7 x 4-6 mm, exarillate.

Uses: Food

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: Native of Malaysia, cultivated in other Tropical countries.



Exotic plants comprise a substantial portion of the floristic diversity. Exotic plants appear to contribute positive to some biodiversity functions, but may impact native communities over longer time frames. There are many are many factors which can affect plant invasions. Some of them can promote invasions of plants, while other factors can inhibit invasions. All factors can be divided into internal and external factors. The effects of exotic species to ecosystems are mainly on the productivity, soil, water, disturbance, community structure and dynamics. Exotic plants can directly and indirectly influence natural ecological communities by modifying the structure, decreasing diversity and altering ecosystem function.

An invasive alien plants is any species that is not native to that ecosystem and is capable of propagating itself, whose introduction causes or is likely to cause harm to the environment, economy, or human health, as well as other species, are affected by climatic changes. Predicted environmental changes, such as changing in precipitation and temperature, nutrient availability and soil disturbance, may enhance the susceptibility of habitats to invasion by non-native plant species. Many studies have tried to predict future distributions of invasive species taking different approaches. Since introduced species are more spread in disturbed ecosystems with reduced competition, it is crucial to consider the natural and human factors, such as economic activity, urbanization, land use, overpopulation, migration etc., associated with the occurrence. In general, the invasion process is a complex series of event, reliant upon both the invasive capabilities of the species and the invisibility of the ecosystem. Global environmental changes additionally complicate a continuous battle of governments and managers to detect and control invasive species.


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