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  EXOTIC PLANTS: INVASION IN AND AROUND US James Mathew, B.Ed. student, St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala Abstract Exotic plants are alien, non-native, non-indigenous or introduced plant species that occur in areas outside of their natural geographic zone. They may be introduced into an area from outside its native range either purposefully or accidentally. These plant species have role in floristic biodiversity, ecosystem processes, medicinal field and economic benefits. Although while analyzing the current status of exotic plants in the Kottayam district it is found as 66 exotic plant species in 38 families. This found that the invasion of such plants is being found in and around us. Keywords Non-indigenous, Exotic, Oxalidaceae, Stericuliaceae, Portulacaceae INTRODUCTION Invasive alien species are those which spread outside their normal distribution range and become invasive in their new geographic area. Their spread is aided by international trad
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  VITAMINS                     Vitamins are the accessory indispensable food factors. They are organic in nature and are required in small quantities to maintain normal growth and regulation of metabolism. They have no tissue building role but are concerned with the regulation of chemical reactions of life. Lack of any one of them from the diet of the young animals slows down or prevent growth. Vitamin deficiency results in many diseases. The term vitamin was coined by Dr. Funk in 1912. Some vitamins are synthesized in our body while others are obtained through food. The vitamins are classified into two, Fat soluble vitamins and Water-soluble vitamins based on their solubility in water. Fat soluble vitamins are Vit. A, D, E and K. Water soluble vitamins are vit. B and C.   Fat soluble vitamins Vitamin A (Retinol) It is also known as antixerophthalmic or anti-infective vitamin. Sources: This occurs only in animals, in liver, kidney, lungs, and fat deposit. Fish liver oil